Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.



Consultations & Costs


Complimentary Consult (Phone) –

Interested, but not quite ready to commit? Book a free 15 min complimentary consultation with Dr. Humaira to discuss your health goals and learn about what Dr. Humaira does.


Initial Visit (In office or Telehealth) 

You’re ready to take the next step in achieving your health goals. This is a comprehensive visit which will address your main health concerns and put an actionable plan in place.


Follow-Up Visit (In Office or Telemedicine) 

1-month follow-up is recommended after the initial consultation. The follow-ups there after can range from 3 weeks – 3 months depending on the condition.





Dr. Humaira will provide you with a Superbill which you can present to your insurance company for partial or full reimbursements for each appointment.


note: these only apply for full initial appointments(not 30min initial appointments) and not 15min appointments

FAMILY – if more than one family member makes an appointment, the initial appointments are 20% off and follow-ups are 10% off


TEACHERS – get 20% off initial visit and 10% off follow-up visits


Referrals and Reviews – when you refer clients or write a review, you get 10% off of your next visit!


Please call or email to inquire about these or any other discounts you may want to know about.


Cancellation & NO Show Policy: Dr. Humaira requires at least 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your visit. If your appointment is Monday, you must cancel on Saturday, NOT Sunday.

Cancellations within 24 hours will be charged 50% of the cost of the visit. NO-Show & Cancellations within on the day of the appointment will be charged 100% of the cost of the visit.

Our Locations

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