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Pineapple Ginger Cleansing Juice

This Pineapple Ginger Cleansing Juice is loaded with anti-inflammatory, digestive-boosting and liver cleansing properties.

 Pineapple is a good source of vitamin c (which helps support the immune system) and magnesium (which is essential for proper nerve and muscle function). Pineapple contains a nutrient called bromelain which is a proteolytic that provides cleansing benefits and helps support digestion by breaking down protein.

 Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory and it stimulates digestion and aids in proper absorption of nutrients from foods.

 Turmeric – as you know it’s a great anti-inflammatory, offering protection to the heart, brain and whole body.

3 cups fresh pineapple, peeled
2 inches fresh ginger root, peeled
2 pieces of turmeric or 1tsp
1 lime, peeled

Juice all of the ingredients in a high-powered juicer.
Pour 1/4 glass full of juice, 1/4 glass full of crushed ice, and fill the rest of the glass with coconut water or distilled water.
Garnish with lime slices and fresh mint

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