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Natural Humidifiers

 Wintertime dry skin is one way to tell your home is too dry

 Naturally humidifying your space is money-saving and eco-friendly alternative.
Plants can moisturize your home through a process called transpiration.

 According to the United States Geological Society, once a plant is watered, moisture will travel through the plant from the roots up to the pores that are on the underside of the leaves. These pores release moisture, which will then increase the humidity level in the room.

 Dr. Leonard Perry, a professor at the University of Vermont states “a USDA estimate is that proper use of plants could decrease air temperature in an office by as much as ten degrees. Plus, the moisture released by these plants helps maintain indoor humidity in the human comfort zone of 30 to 60 percent, and helps prevent materials such as wood from cracking when dried out.”

Few plants to add as humidifiers in your home:

1. Aloe – and removing formaldehyde from the air, great for Burns and small cuts

2. Areca Palm Tree – can remove benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air

3. ‎Ficus tree – reducing air pollution and improve air quality

4. ‎Fern – scientists at NASA say the fern is one of the most effective air-purifying plants

5. ‎Snake plant – recommended by NASA to help purify the air
6. ‎Golden pothos – keep your air cool and purified

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