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Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey

Made in New Zealand from the Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) flowers after pollination by bees.

If you are looking to buy Manuka honey, make sure to find one that has a high Unique Manuka Factor(UMF) which is the antibacterial strength of the honey. UMF is not in nectar of all Manuka flowers and actually contains natural hydrogen peroxide and it’s own antibacterial properties compared to nonUMF Manuka Honey. It is best to look for UMF of 10+ and over.

Manuka honey has vast range of health benefits:

Manuka honey stimulates immune cells

Stops growth of sore throat

Heals inflammatory throat especially from chemotherapy

Help to treat allergies and sinusitis

Protection against colonic damage due to inflammation

Reduces reflux

Balances digestive system

Improves wound healing in acute cases

Pain relief and infection in burn patients

Fight tooth decay and gingivitis by decreasing plaques

Promotes restful sleep as it helps release melatonin, out sleep hormone

Nutritional facts – it is rich in b vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, and amino acids.

Side effects – avoid if you have an allergy to bees

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