Lactose Intolerance vs Milk Allergy

What is Lactose?
Lactose is a sugar found in dairy product. It is broken down by the enzyme lactase which is produced in the small intestine. Over time, our body losses the ability to produce lactase which results in lactose intolerance.
Lactose Intolerance
Symptoms arise when lactose is not able to be broken down. They can range from mild to severe and usually arise 30 minutes to 2 days after consuming dairy products. Symptoms include gut problems (bloating, gas, diarrhea), skin (acne, eczema) and even headaches/migraine.
Cow’s Milk Allergy
When you consume milk, there is an immediate reaction, within one to two hours after ingestion, which causes skin, gut, and/or respiratory symptoms. Research shows cow’s milk allergy is increasing in infants due to a substituting cow’s milk-based formulas instead of breastfeed.
The primary sources of dairy that should be avoided which include milk, butter, cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream, gelato, custards/puddings, whey and casein.
Try these alternative:
Silk – Non-Dairy Milks
Good Karma Flax Milk
So Delicious – Non-Dairy Milks and Other Frozen Treats
Nutritional Yeast (natural cheese alternative)
Follow Your Heart – Non-Dairy Cheese, Sour Cream, Cream Cheese
Dream – Non-Dairy Milks, Ice Creams, Gelatos, Chocolates
Enjoy Life – Chocolates
Equal Exchange – Chocolates
Wink – Frozen Desserts
Cashew Cheese
Daiya– Non-Dairy Cheeses
Earth Balance – Non-Dairy Butters, Spreads
Coconut Butter (also a great natural “butter” alternative!)
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