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Importance of Water

Since I am fasting and can’t have any water until sunset, I just wanted to shed some light on the importance of water. I’ve come across many clients and friends who don’t drink enough of it, even though, we have filtered water within our reach. For people who know me, they know I always carry around a water bottle with some lemon in it. If I don’t have enough water, I tend to get migraines and shut down completely. Any slight movement, any talking, any light makes it worse.

️Water accounts for a pretty big portion of the body, somewhere between 55%-75% of our body mass. Just a few days without water can be detrimental. ️Dehydration leads to symptoms like dry skin, dizziness, fatigue, a rapid heartbeat and even death if left untreated. ️Water plays an essential role in waste removal, digestion and temperature regulation and makes up a core component of every cell in our body. It protects our tissues, spinal cord, and joints.

I know the motto is drink at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day but you don’t want to overdo it either. Rather, start by drinking a third to half your body weight in ounces of water. For my small size, I’d be drinking 35 – 52.5 ounces of water per day. For someone who is 160lbs, they’d be drinking 53.5- 80 ounces a day. And you want to be careful of tap water and bottled water. Tap water can contain toxins such as lead, arsenic, and herbicides like atrazine which is a known endocrine disruptor metals. Bottled water are mostly packaged in plastic containers which leach BPAs, chemicals that also are endocrine disruptors.

If you think it is too bland, add some fruits, vegetables, and herbs to zest it up. Check below for a detox basil seed lemonade recipe.

I don’t know about you, but can’t imagine a life without water. Did you know there are 1 in 9 people who lack access to safe water? In developing countries, it can take up to six hours for women and children just to collect water.

Visit to get the full facts and help donate to bring water to third world countries.


Detox Basil Seeds Lemonade – makes 2 tall glasses

1 Lemon
2 Cups Water
2 Tbsp Basil seeds
1 stick of cinnamon
1 pinch of Himalayan Salt
(optional – 1 tsp honey, few cucumber slices)


1. In a small bowl place basil seeds and pour ½ cup of water and let it stand for an hour

2. You can see the seeds absorbing the water and becoming bigger in size while forming a white jelly like cocoon around it

3. Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice in a pitcher. Add salt, honey, soaked basil seeds, cinnamon stick, and water and mix well. Place pitcher in fridge till lemonade is cool.
(Note: if you want a warmer blend, make with hot water and add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for a more detoxifying kick.

4. Serve in tall glasses.

Guides to Water Filters

Ceramic Filters – work like spaghetti strainers and block sediments and large particles. However, they do not remove chemicals

Ozone Filters – Kill bacteria and microorganisms but do not remove chemicals

Mechanical Filters – remove large particles but not chemicals

Carbon/Activated Carbon Filters – the activated carbon binds many contaminants and removes them from water. It can remove chlorine, lead, mercury, asbestos, and volatile organic compounds. However, it cannot remove arsenic, fluoride, nitrate, or perchlorate.

Charcoal Sticks – similar to Carbon/Activated Carbon Filters. Are reusable and last for months.

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