You may have come across these beauties while walking around. This plant is called Echinacea, also known as North American coneflower. It is used as a traditional herbal remedy for more than 400 years by the Great Plains Indian tribes due to it’s various abilities against cold/flu, inflammation, skin disorders ,immune enhancing, and any more. .
Because of its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects, Echinacea is be used to relieve the upper respiratory symptoms.
The Journal Lancet Infectious Diseases reported that Echinacea “cuts the chances of catching a common cold by 58 percent.” Echinacea also “reduces the duration of the common cold by almost one-and-a-half days.”
The Hindawi journal reports that echinacea also has the “capability to stop viral colds.”
Great Plains Indians used Echinacea as a painkiller for headaches, stomach aches, tonsillitis, etc.
University of British Columbia reported “regular echinacea consumption can effectively reverse and alleviate various types of inflammation. It’s a good idea for people who struggle with chronic inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis to regularly consume the herbal tea”
Echinacea has also been used in many skin conditions -bug and snake bites, Eczema, Inflammatory skin conditions, Psoriasis, Skin infections, Stings, and Wound healing
Studies have found it to also be effective against Anxiety, Depression and Social phobias.