Boosting Immunity
The rise of COVID-19 within the Tri-State area is concerning. What we can do is take measures to help prevent the spread of the virus and help build our immune system.
That being said, here are a few precautions to take, along with herbal, food, and nutrient recommendations:
Remember these are recommendations. I AM NOT YOUR DOCTOR. If you want a proper immune boosting protocol, please make an appointment. I am taking online Immune Boosting appointments – 15 minutes.
- Stay at home unless you absolutely have a legitimate reason to be outside (groceries, hospital visits)
- Flatten the curve – refers to measures taken as soon as possible to lower the rate of infection. The aim is to not have cases come all at once but rather spread out over time.
- Do not delay in adding herbs and other natural healing techniques into your lifestyle.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid large gathers of more than 30 people
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- COVER YOUR COUGH OR SNEEZE WITH A TISSUE (I kid you not, I’ve seen many people sneezing/coughing in the air or into their hands then proceeding to pick up items with that same hand. DO NOT SNEEZE INTO YOUR HANDS!)
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning spray or wipes
- COVID19 has a lipophilic envelope, which means that you need to use soap to kill the virus
- Hand sanitizer is not as effective as hand washing (but do keep on hand)
- If your hands are drying out from all the hand washing/sanitizing – use coconut oil! It has anti-viral properties as a topical
- Carry hand sanitizer you can make your own as well
- Supplement with immune boosting vitamins, minerals and herbs such as vitamin c, zinc, astragalus etc. Dosage is important, so get in contact with your naturopathic doctor to get the best guide for prevention.
- Andrographis
- Prevents viral replication and has strong anti-viral properties
- Licorice
- Increases white blood cell count and prevents viral attachment
- Note – do not use if you have high blood pressure
- Red Algae
- Contains lectins that are anti-viral against other viruses in the same family as COVID19
- Stinging Nettle Root
- Contains lectins that are anti-viral against other viruses in the same family as COVID19
- Elderberry
- Inhibits viral attachment to cells
- Cordyceps
- Enhances natural immune defenses
- Astragalus Root
- Antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties
- stimulates the immune system
- great adaptogenic herb to help decrease cortisol
- Vitamin D
- Prevention for upper respiratory infections
- A deficiency in Vit D is linked to lowered immune function
- Vitamin A
- Increases natural killer cells (first line of defense against viruses)
- Increases secretory IgA which is our first line of defense on the membranes of the nose and pharynx
- Vitamin C
- Reduces symptom severity and duration of upper respiratory infections
- A deficiency in Vit C has been shown to increase susceptibility of getting a viral infection
- Antioxidant activity can help fend off the oxidative stress that is activated by viruses
- Zinc
- Reduces symptom severity and prevents viral replication
- Probiotics
- Since 80% of our immune system is located in the intestinal tract, it is important to have healthy “good” bacteria to support the immune system
- Found in green tea, EGCG has shown to have properties to disrupt viral attachment and entry into host cell.
- Also has antioxidant activity can help fend off the oxidative stress that is activated by viruses
- Bone Broth
- Supports a healthy gut lining, which is where the majority of our immune system lies. A healthy gut helps reduce the burden on the immune system.
- Garlic
- Contains lectins that are anti-viral against other viruses in the same family as COVID19
- Best way is to crush garlic with a knife, let it sit for 10-15 minutes so that allicin is activated which produces antibacterial activity of garlic
- Onions
- Contains lectins that are anti-viral against other viruses in the same family as COVID19
- Mushrooms – Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake
- Powerful immunomodulators with anti-viral properties
- Fermented Foods – sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, miso, kombucha
- Potent sources of probiotics which are beneficial for the immune system and response
- Warming Socks
- to build up immune system and bring down fevers
- Contrast Shower
- End showers with cold water – another form of hydrotherapy which has been used for ancient medicine to help boost the immune system
- Aromatherapy
- If you have a diffuser, use eucalyptus, bergamot orange, rosemary, red thyme, clove and even cinnamon leaf essential oils. These have both antiviral and antibacterial properties. I do not recommend internal consuming these oils as they are very volatile and could cause damage.
Remember these are recommendations. I AM NOT YOUR DOCTOR. If you want a proper immune boosting protocol, please make an appointment. I am taking online Immune Boosting appointments – 15 minutes.